Fun day! One of my favorite parts is afterward when Carleton talks with
Apollo about his day (I make all the parents a sheet so they can review with their kids). It's fun to eavesdrop and get Apollo's take on everything. During quiet time, Apollo flipped through Dad's Mountain Biking magazine. He told Carleton he would ride with him when he gets big.
1. We read some nature books. Like always, we sang Slippery Fish, sang "Days of the Week" and talked about it being Thursday, and did the Hokey Pokey to start circle time.
2. Art Time. We took a nature walk to gather seeds, leaves, flowers, and rocks. We came back and the kids glued them on to a plate. I saw that it was hard for the kids to make a face when we did veggie faces for snack time so I drew eyes, a nose, and a mouth to help them out a little.
On our walk, we saw a bunny, a kitty, and here a worm flipping around.
I got the idea awhile from the Family Fun Magazine (my favorite-I look forward to each issue) and did it during a family vacation. I put this picture on the screen so the kids had an idea of what to do.
We didn't get to the leaf rubbings but here is a pic from the same vacation if you want to do it. Just put the leaf under paper and color.
We made Halloween wreaths to surprise the parents so the kids could add their own decoration to the Halloween decorations.
Here's how: I bought fake red roses, plastic spiders, wreaths and plastic Halloween items from The Dollar Tree. Before the kids came, I stuck each flower bundle in the grass outside (no mess!!) and spray painted them black yet leaving a little red showing through. I spray painted one side of the wooden wreaths just enough that it didn't show the plain wood color. I got some Halloween ribbon (from last year) and made each child a bow.
They stuck the ring part of the spiders into their wreath. I popped off the plastic flowers and they stuffed them into their wreaths. After they created their wreaths, I went around and hot glued them in.
3. Academic Time. I had a tape roll of numbers (repeating 1-100) so I cut them out and taped them on colored paper. I got permanent markers and had them
circle all the 6s they could find.
We celebrated letter "F" so I drew big and little Fs on a paper and taped them to our window and taped a clear one on top so the kids could easily see through the second paper. They traced the letters.
4. Snack and a Story. We had trail mix from Costco to go with our nature theme.
5. Music Time. I read "The Animal Boogie" and we acted out all the parts-one of our family's favorite books.
6. Games. We played the generic version of Jenga. This is a great game for the little ones because it teaching taking turns, patience, and helps with their motor skills.
7. We went to a jungle gym type slide next door to gather sand. I let the kids play for awhile-of all they could play on, they were content to be under the slide all huddled together filling their cups with sand and dumping them. They quietly played and every once in a while they talked. They are very happy and very comfortable together-cute little buddies. I love watching them play together.
8. Closing Circle Time/Review. We play a horse game where we go through mud, over logs, under bridges, and wait for trains to pass. After, the kids put their hands in the middle if they want to share something we did that day as a review. They are getting good at this. Today we celebrated in fun ways when each child made a comment.