My plan: To do a letter of the week using learning tools and activities. Through Pinterest and the internet, it is super easy to get ideas and to print any you want off. Annie and I are going to work on them for part of the time Apollo is at preschool and bring Apollo in for the fun too.. Annie LOVES LOVES "playing school". Being a busy mom, I want this activity to serve me and me not have to serve it or stress over it. So, we're keeping it simple. I hardly take any time to look, and print off the stuff I want. For example, this week we're doing the letter B and will go biking. Since I know what letters will be coming (ha ha), I'm going to keep track of ideas that come to me so I don't have to search too much when the letter comes. Here is where I got my letter A stuff. There are tons of ideas to pick and choose.
Keeping it Together: Walmart had the flat folders for 10 cents a piece and I bought some page protectors. I put Annie's art work, puzzles I cut out, activities etc. in there and will do so with all the letters. It's a great review and great activity book for road trips or church. Apollo enjoys doing the activities and they can be done again and again. I'm planning on keeping it around for baby #3.
I got this idea from my friend, Bonnie, as she's doing the letter of the week with her second child. He's just a little guy and knows all his letters. We were first year high school teachers (she was an English teacher) together and now it's fun to keep in touch via the blogging world. She told me she has more ideas and resources than time to do everything. I've found this to be true.
I cut out the puzzles and games while Annie did her projects, then we worked on them together.
Annie likes to show Apollo what we've been working on when he gets home. He likes to do the puzzles too.
Chalk. Fun way to learn. Apollo drew out the big letters while I did the lower case.
One day I will open my own preschool, but for now experimenting with your own kids is the best, and they still love you for it. Some more ideas:,