I got this idea from Martha Stewart. Check out her website for awesome Halloween ideas. I went to a second hand store and bought a bunch of glassware and candle holders that looked kind of creepy. Here's the breakdown of the bloody candles:
Candle Holders- $1 at Dollar Tree
White Tall Candles-50 Cents at Dollar Tree
Silver Platter-Cheap at a second hand store
Red Candles (to melt on the white candles)-3 for a buck at Dollar Tree
Here's how to do it:
1. We put aluminum foil over the candle holders and fit the tall white candles into the candle holders. This way the wax could drip onto the foil and not make a mess of my holders.
2. We melted a red candle right over the top of the white candle (the candle that is lit was just to provide the flame so I wouldn't use a lot of my tall white candles). Make sure the candle you are melting is red all the way through (some candles are red just on the outside-we had to make an extra trip to the store because we had that prob).
3. Here's the final product. Get a candle that is a very deep red. I bought some red candles but they didn't look as "bloody".
I heart the Dollar Tree!