Sunday, April 22, 2012

Enjoy this post by guest blogger Katie Moore:

Pregnancy and Birth Plans for Healthy Childbirth

A new baby is an awesome responsibility that is capable of bringing untold joy to life, as well as bringing some nerves to the expecting mother. Several strategies can actually help relieve the nerves of pregnancy and also help in preparing for delivery day. The primary goal early on should be to develop a plan that addresses every aspect of pregnancy and childbirth. It’s impossible to foresee every possibility, but talking with the doctor or other providers about the plan can help.

Attending your doctor’s appointment can help relieve much of the anxiety. The value of these appointments can be enhanced when you remember and share the symptoms being experienced with the doctor. Keeping a record of symptoms in a daily journal will allow recurring problems to be identified more easily, and it will help the memory.

Pregnancy hormones can also result in changing moods, and some new moms will find themselves dealing with emotional disturbances more than others. Keeping a journal can help with putting emotions into the proper context. It is a great way to explore thoughts and feelings without worry of external judgment.

Learning for the Future
Classes for pregnancy are a major benefit that moms can learn a lot from. There are now yoga for pregnancy classes that teach a combination of meditation and exercise, Lamaze classes that specialize in breathing and becoming familiar with the process of childbirth, and other types of classes that emphasize natural pain reduction methods and alternative birthing options. Taking two or more classes is a substantial time investment, but this can pay off in reducing the risk of complications.

Being Ready for Delivery
Childbirth preparation begins with learning about the procedures employed at the hospital. Speaking with the doctor about this will offer some insight, but a childbirth class can be especially helpful. There are a number of new options that many moms are not aware of, and knowing about these can provide added assurance. For instance, cord blood banking can expand potential treatment options for a family, should the baby, or possibly a sibling become ill with certain a medical condition later on that requires a stem cell transplant. By collecting and storing your baby’s cord blood immediately following delivery, you will be making an investment in your child’s future health. Diet and delivery bag checklists are also routinely discussed in childbirth classes.

A healthy delivery is made more possible with the right information and ability to process it. Keeping a journal and attending classes can help reduce worries and increase success on delivery day.

"This article was written by Katie Moore. Katie is an active writer within the blogging community who discusses maternity, motherhood, prenatal health, childbirth and other topics within this niche.  If you have any questions or would like to connect with Katie please contact her via twitter @moorekm26."

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