I got together with some of my workout friends to work on Christmas crafts and to revisit where it all began- with Twilight. January made some delicious dishes that are perfect for the holidays when we have different gatherings. January's family always eats a lot of veggies and fruits.-here's the three dishes (they aren't exact recipes but should be easy enough to make):
Diced Tomatoes
Olive Oil
You can add any other Italian spices if you like.
Put in the amount that tastes good to you. After mixing ingredients, put in oven for 10 min. at 375 degrees. We dipped crackers in it and it was sooo yummy.
Mushroom Tortillas
Drizzle oil in a pan and cook mushrooms for 5 min.
Cut up tortillas ans put on a cookie sheet.
Put mushroom s on tortillas. Over top, sprinkle Monterrey, feta, and Parmesan cheese.
Broil in oven until cheese is melted.
Fruit Dip
Isn't it beautiful? She mixed the fruit with vanilla yogurt and sprinkled granola on top. Any fruit could be used but this time she had bananas, Asian pears, and Parsimmons (I don't know what it is and I don't know the spelling but they were good). This is a great every day snack idea to use whatever fruit is in the fridge.
I had to throw this in too because Tami's headband was so cut that night-and easy to make. They are fake flowers stitched onto a headband from Walmart.
HEY! I have been wanting to make those headbands- can you do a post (or send me an email) with instructions! Seriously, SO CUTE! Happy New Year! Loves!!