Brain. Jocelyn asked us to make this and it turned out really cool- Carleton did the carving. Here's how:
1. Cut off the bottom of the honeydew melon so you spoon out all the gunk in the middle. We used a melon baller to get the fruit out (save it for the end to serve).
2. Carve out the brain. You don't need to go all the way through.
3. Follow the directions to make 4 boxes of red jello (we added 3/4 cup whenever it said add 1 cup to make it not so jiggly).
4. So once you've mixed the hot water, cold water, and jello powders in the bowl, put the honeydew melon in (with the cut out brain next to the bowl). We found a bowl that was just bigger than the melon so the jello would cover most of the outside. We put the rest of the jello into the melon rind to set up. I have to say this looked pretty cool.
5. The jello will set up into the brain. Just clean off the jello around the grooves and put it onto a platter to serve. I used a scary looking silver platter. We served the melon we had scooped out in another bowl for the party. There are tons of things that can be made instead of a brain-a face with red eyes, etc.
Purse. I took Apollo to Music Makers where they all dressed up for Halloween. I saw this on the side and took a picture-so thanks for whoever made it. My friend said you can buy the bag, 3 for a buck at the dollar store. The ribbon and "fur" was just glued on. This would be cute for any time of year with different colors and ribbon.
Angel Annie. I hot glued white feathers to the wings. It was so simple but really added to her costume. She really did look like an angel.
I love the angel wings, good idea.