Monday, February 15, 2010

Weekly Challenge #7

Go to bed each night by 10:30. Heidi said she goes to bed between 11 and 12 every night. I'm going to set my bedtime a little earlier because I consider it a late night if I stay up till 10:30 on a normal night (not going out). So...set a time that works for you.

How did last week go with choosing a quality to magnify? Heidi looked for Maddy to be a good listener and for Gracy and Marshal to be good helpers. I commented every time Apollo shared. It's neat to look for them doing something good. Apollo really eats up complements. Who doesn't? Carleton and I each set three goals a week. We're going to add a quality we want to magnify in our kids and point it out when we see it every week.

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